2 Geminis With Mics Podcast

Ep 4. 2 Geminis With Mics - The Knight of Cups, Movement, Endometriosis, and Intuition.

April 17, 2024 Keshia & Brooklyn Episode 4

Hi everyone! Welcome to our 4th episode! Here we explore the knight of cups, the typically description and then we allow it to take us where it may! Below are some links:

Astrology podcast:


Knight of cups meaning:


Power of now:


We used Art Nouveau Tarot for this pull!


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Want to pull your birth chart? You will need an accurate birth time, place, and date. Here are some links that are free options:




My Movie:

It's Brooklyn here with Two Geminis with mics. Just wanted to give you a quick disclaimer and a trigger warning. We are going to be talking about some very personal stuff to us. These are personal experiences. We aren't here to take away from anything or give advice. We are just speaking from experience. from our experiences and things that we have personally gone through. We are not doctors, we are not pain specialists, we are not therapists. We are just two beautiful humans going through the human experience, wanting to share it with you. Thanks for joining. Hey everyone. Welcome to, uh, the next episode of Two Geminis with Mike's, uh, where these two weird, quirky, quirky Geminis take you through a journey of the cosmos. Uh, through whatever topics we want to talk about. Ha! So smooth. So smooth. Basically. Yep. It's perfect. I think it's just what today represents. Yeah, today's been chaos. I've been trying to get this recorded. I couldn't. My stuff wouldn't work. And now Brooklyn's earphones won't work. So, we're ringing it again. And then we're also winging it with a topic, again. Yep. Just woke up and just decided to change it all last minute. We were just like, why not? We pulled the card again. We're going to continue on that little journey because it just, Felt, right? And that's how we That's how we function in our day to day lives. If something doesn't feel good, we don't do it. And if it does, we do. So, today we're going to talk about uh, the Knight of Cups. So, um, that's the card that we pulled. I didn't even, pardon me. Oh my god, I hit the mic again. But anyway, this is the Knight of Cups, for those of you watching the video version. And yes, my nails are naked, and I cut them all off. But anyway, um, so this is from the Golden, uh, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot deck. Um, and so anybody interested in the type of deck it is, it is a Rider Waite Smith deck. That's mostly what we will be looking at. Using that's kind of what we're familiar with. Um, and basically this is what's it's part of the court cards that come in Um tarot and court cards are kind of a little like last time the king of wands. Was it the king or the knight? Okay, it was the king last time And this time we got the night basically with the court cards. There is a page a queen A a page a knight a queen and a king on top of the other structures within a tarot deck Um, we never even covered that, Brooklyn, did we? Like that there's 72 cards, I think, is it 20 or 21? No, we haven't mentioned 20 or 21 Major Arcana and then the rest are, um, suits. And then each suit has four court cards. That's the very basic rundown. I'm sure one day we'll go Deeper, but, um, it's essentially that the Knight of Cups, the suit of cups in general, is very emotion and relational based, and creativity, intuition, um, so if you couple that with the knight, then you get maybe a representation of a person you know? Um, could be you, um, could be a Pisces, could be a Scorpio, could be a Cancer. Um, but I think we, personally, I would really love to take this from the intuition angle because I think we both have a lot to say about intuition. Well, and this was a intuitional web, er, episode? Oh my god, I almost said that. Yeah, whatever, there's going to be a few of those today. I can already feel my brain is like, inserting the wrong words in the wrong places. Well, we're like full moon in Virgo, and it's just been like Oh my god, we can talk about the full moon! The sun's in Pisces! Taking a full yeah, it's like literally just It's been so chaotic, emotional, crazy. Oh, and I'm a Leo or I'm a Virgo rising. So it was just like, yeah, yeah. I've been feeling like an adult the last two weeks, which sounds hilarious coming from a 33 year old woman. But like, I, I like, I don't know. I just like, I went to my therapist and I was like, Holy crap. I'm, I'm a grown woman. I can make my own decisions. She was like, yeah, that's how this stuff works. So I think like, for me, this combination, culmination of this full moon has just been like, it's very much in, it's in my fourth house of past home, family life, private life and stuff like that. So I've been noticing a lot of growth in those areas of my life and it's bringing so much energy in that. And my public persona, cause my 10th house is public, like how you At your career public facing kind of I'm missing words, but yeah anyway, so I get it Yeah, it's been it's been a lot it is and leading up to the eclipses because we have a full moon a lunar Eclipse next month. I feel like it's just preparing to Clip away the things that aren't meant for us, and that we are so dearly holding on to, and the universe is just like, No, we're coming in to clip those things away from you, and I'm like, No! For me, um, eclipses are such, uh, like, concentrated periods of time where I find that you really have to face your demons. Or the things in those topics, like it's also like really new beginnings. Like, cause you could argue that this podcast is a result of those eclipses that are happening. And have happened over the last, like, four years in our lives. And, so, it's not all bad and negativity, but in the process of them, it often feels exhausting. And it often feels like you're not sure when you're gonna be able to breathe again, I find. Like, those moments in life are often either tied to a full moon, or an eclipse, I swear. Yeah. Well, and like, for me, that's what I find so beautiful about the eclipses. Like, yes, it's a painful process for me, but I know it's to better my life in the end. And I know it's for my purpose and my life direction and the path that I'm supposed to be on that because we have, I, I feel like it's because we have free will and it's just like, okay, okay. You're heading in a wrong direction, so let's try to redirect you on to the right way, cuz I know for me, I get stuck and comfortable in things that I shouldn't, shouldn't be and shouldn't be doing. Yeah, I do want to go into, like, um, an explanation of what the eclipses are a little more detailed, but And, no, nevermind, I forgot, I forgot the other thing I was going to say, so I'll just Because it was, it was piggybacking off of yours, and then I was like, Ooh, I've got an idea, and then I cut you off, and, and now we're here. Um, so, sorry. Um, but anyway. So, for eclipses, essentially, it's probably one of the easiest things you can do to your own chart, if you can pull it. Um, you basically have to have an idea of just the labels of the, The 12 houses, um, the, where the eclipses are right now, and then the topics of the 12 houses. So like for me, they are landing in my 5th and 11th house. So I'm finding themes around what I do for fun, what I do for pleasure, um, my groups, my friends, how I show up in the world is very much being like pinged in through these. And, um, also my relational. Like, my friendships, like, just having to learn, um, I mean, relationships have been a huge thing for me over the last few years with therapy and stuff anyway, but like, this is highlighting that again, really. So, that's, that's the simple, simple explanation of what an eclipse is. You go, you find out what sign they're in. Right now they're in Aries and Libra for this set that's coming in. March and April, so you find the Mar the Aries and Libra portion of your chart, and then if you search Google, like say, like, Brooklyn's a Virgo in the first house, so your eclipses are in your second and eighth, right? So then she her Aries and Libra axis is there, and they're it's always opposing signs, because that's how things are. They're tracked by the nodes, which, I don't know what the technical explanation on the nodes is, so I'm gonna have to do some research on that, but, um, That's also how you can tell them, by yourself in North Node. Like, where the eclipses were when you were born is significant as well. Um, but yeah, that's just like a little brief introduction on, quick and dirty introduction on what eclipses are and how to find them in your chart. And, if you were to Google, like, themes of the second house. You get a description of like how somebody earns money, uh, the things that they accumulate in their life, um, it's the tangible things, like right down to groceries, um, how you earn a paycheck is kind of like, and how you treat your money, too. Um, and then, yeah, so you just kind of got to look at it that way and you can do some pretty good Uh, descriptive astrology work just by tracking eclipses. It's so cool. Well, since the last eclipse, since last time, like for me, it's definitely highlighted, like I've been going through and decluttering and getting rid of a whole bunch of stuff. Like I'm trying to be more. Like meticulous, maybe not holding a yes and minimalist. Like I just, I'm trying to only, I'm trying to get rid of a lot of things that I've been carrying around with me that just don't really hold a lot of meaning anymore. And it's been very eyeopening to how I was raised and like my family has a problem with hoarding and just. Learning to not have those tendencies and why they had those tendencies and why they felt the need to hold on to things that we really didn't need in our lives and, um, One thing I forgot to say big endings and big beginnings are with eclipses. So that's why the the The themes really pop out for you too, right like for me the last set was in Taurus and Scorpio and for me that led to They were my pet house and my house of like institutions isolation health Like, so I ended up having surgery over the course of that Eclipse series, which is very Twelfth House institutions, like hospitals, um, but I also got Fred and that's my house of pets. And that was when I was first learning Eclipses. So for me, that was like, holy shit, right? Like really big, it's such a simple but impressive little delineation that you can do for yourself just to like, see how you feel about astrology or like learn something about what may be coming up for you. But I think when you do get into Eclipse season. Because I think it lasts from three weeks before to three weeks after or something like that. I can't There was an astrology podcast on it, and like, yeah, we'll try to do put some of those links if you want to listen to them. They're long winded, but there's so much good information. And, uh, I think if you trust your intuition and try your best not to resist change, it's not as painful. Letting go is huge, and allowing things to flow, and I find that's been my challenge, is Knowing things are going to work out, but having resistance. Like, we ask all these things of the universe, and like, the things we want, and we are so resistant to change. Me included. These Taurus placements, girl, like, you know. You know how much I hate change. Like, it is excruciatingly painful for me, but like, The only thing constant in life is change, and I'm learning that now. And like, I think that factors into the comment I made before about realizing I'm an adult and I can make these decisions, and it's what makes me happy, and not living your life for other people. And very much of that, right? Yeah, well and like my relationship with money has been constantly evolving and I'm so happy and proud of how far I've come and how much, oh my god, and I feel like now that I understand and I'm starting to rebuild a healthy relationship with money, it's changing my life. My whole view on it and it's so beautiful and I love it and it's I'm really interested to see what happens after the eclipses. Um, because just what's leading up has been so like life changing. Like this alone was bad enough. I remember listening to the astrology podcast like forecast for February and they were like, so we've got all these Pluto alignments. So February is going to be a little hard from the middle to the end. And then we go into clip season and I was like, I may as well just turn this off right now because I know where this is going and I don't want to hear it. It's a heavy year, but for me, I feel like because I, like one of my favorite sayings is, Nothing ever good comes from your comfort zone. Love hate that. For me, like it's because I've, when I moved away from home at the age of 16, like that saying just lit a fire under me because I knew that this was scary, but I knew it was going to lead to great things. And it did like when I moved away from home, oh my God, I grew so much. So many great things came from that, and I'm so happy and so grateful because I got to experience. Such amazing things such early on in my life, and I am so forever grateful for that experience and just like I feel like Knowing big changes are about to happen again. I look for like I am so nervous and so Anxious about it, but yet there's like a calming that comes with it knowing That it's gonna be for the good and it'll be for something positive. I agree. And um, I can't believe I forgot it was the full moon today, to be honest. That's what I was like, I was like listening to your Eclipse thing and I was like, Here I am. We were wondering why we were having all these issues. It's a friggin full moon! On your ascendant! I um, full moons for me, I am, because I get crazy. I agree. I'm not gonna lie, I get very moody, very, like this one I kept telling Keisha, like I just wanna burn things down, like I am just like, there is so much rage and anger inside of me, and knowing that, like, yesterday I had to drive to a different town to go to Costco and do like a couple things, cause I live in a smaller community, so I have to drive out of town to do these things, and I was gonna spend the night And the other town, but because it was a full moon, because it was supposed to snow. Gotta love, it's not Apple. There we go again, Apple. for chiming in Apple. Once again. For those of you watching the audio version, one of those automated things, just like went off of a Brooklyn screen while she was talking. Because I'm a hand talker, because I'm a hand talker, I can't help it, and Apple's just decided to play these weird, sick tricks on us and just be like, yep, we're gonna make you pay for it, you hand talkers, so there you go. It's like a little celebration. It's a little ode to the full moon. To thriving in the full moon, because I was so cautious and so aware, like when I'm driving, because I'm a new driver. I'm 30. I get it. I know that is a but we do not shame that here because that's a freaking big deal That was a big deal and i'm dang proud of you and that happened on an eclipse it is That happened on an eclipse. It did it the last eclipse the last eclipse it literally your travel like houses It was so like your day to day travel in your ninth house So like then see big beginnings big endings man, like this is that was huge for you You And it was, it was so funny because I have failed the exams, but then as soon as I started syncing things up with the moon, guess what, guys? It happened. It happened. It happened. And now I'm driving and I'm like such a cautious driver. I am like, oh, I am so glad that I waited this long because I couldn't imagine me driving in my twenties. I would have been a menace. I would have been. You know what? I could, I could mack you on that. I can back you on that. I was um, yeah, I think you would have been a little chaotic. And like, Nobody would have kept you down if you're 20s. If you had your license, you would have been like, peace. Probably would have been living in a different country, to be honest. Like, if I would have figured out travel that early on, oh my god. Bye everyone. Oh my god. Where's Brooklyn? How's traveling? Sometimes my parents will ask me, how's Brooklyn these days? I was like, well, you know, she's doing her thing. Like, that was often my answer in our 20s. She's doing things. So you're already doing stuff that you're just like, I was like, she, she goes through a beat of her own drum, man. Like whatever. Yep. Just going along, going along and happens. And I find that it's funny. Cause like travel is very big in my life. Like I travel. a lot. Like, even between, like, living situations, it'll be, like, a couple hours in between places that I live. So it's just You've always been very, like It's very interesting. It's movable, whereas I'm very immovable. So, like, it's a very interesting friendship because we're so opposite in that way. Like Well, and I'm very airy, like, airy and like, mutable, and like This week, this week you, um, I hope you don't mind me talking about this, like, we can cut this out, but like, I was so proud of you, because you set a boundary with me, and it was like an air sign. That is so hard, and she was apologizing for a boundary, and I was like, Brooklyn, this is healthy! This is good. This is how friendship should be. You need to be able to tell me when I'm being too much and I'm pissing you off. That is okay. As soon as I did it, I took a back. I'm like, it's okay. It's okay. I don't have to. It's fine. It's okay. I promise. I'm not angry. Because it takes, I think, oh my god, now we're going to go into emotional boundaries. I feel like that's still Knight of Cups, so whatever. Um, but like emotional boundaries are hard, and they're hard for mutable signs, and I have a lot of mutable in my chart too, and that is something that the last two, three years have been like me trying to learn how to do that. So when I see somebody else do it, I applaud them, because I am aspiring to do it more. Right? It's important. That's healthy relationships. It is. It is. And I feel like that also goes into victims as well. Like that is huge into our victim role. And I like, I feel like that's part of the growth that we are doing is we are learning our new roles and learning how to navigate these. New boundaries and navigate our new roles that we have. We've been thinking about, but we haven't been able to do it and put it into action. And I feel like, I feel like that's what Aquarius is to me. Was like Capricorn was like thinking about how we wanted to be and how we wanted to live. And now that we're an Aquarius, like going into the Aquarian, yeah, we're able to. See the transformations that we need to make to better our lives and to live how We should be and not being like hiding and not hiding but just like fawning We can go with hiding because it was like I would bond so much Now I can't tease you anymore See and i've been holding it by the bottom so I don't mute it because I feel like if I You If I hold it here, I can't touch the button. Dang, man. I was gonna reply and then I muted myself and I was like, oh. But yeah, no, like, and boundaries are hard and they're hard for people pleasers, which we are. I mean, I'm, I'm not as much anymore and I don't think you are as much anymore, but like, it's a constant effort. And we're getting out of it. It's a constant effort. So like, you gotta be able to celebrate your friends when they put a boundary in place, because that is, that's the way it should friggin be. Right? Like, celebrating people when they make a move in the right direction that is only gonna make your friendship stronger. You need to be able to trust each other that way, you know what I mean? And I think that's huge. Definitely, definitely. I was like, yeah! But um, yeah, so like, I feel like that's kind of what the Knight of Cups kind of was bringing us today, was like boundaries, and we're so new at it. Like, I feel like page of cups would be like, you need to put boundaries in. And I feel like night of cups is like, you're starting to put boundaries in. And then I feel like King of cups, if we got that, that would be like, Master. Right? Like, so, we're, we're night of cups in it right now. Cause we're still feeling the guilt when we do it, but we're learning not to feel guilty when setting that boundary. And that is hard. this morning with a friend who wanted, I haven't seen him forever and I want to see her, but I couldn't today because I have, we're doing this and then I have therapy and I will be spent after that. Cause I, I mean, when I go into therapy, I leave everything at the door and I am there and then I take the day Because that's what I need So I asked her to move it to a different weekend and she didn't care she understood and that's what healthy friendships are about Even though I haven't seen this woman in I don't know maybe a year and we live in the same town And and like I can't wait to hang out with her and her son You know what? I mean? Like it is it's never about that and healthy friendships will understand that And that's what I believe, but anyway, I went on, we went on a ride there and I enjoyed it. Yes, but it was a good, it was a good ride. It was fun. And we're just figuring this stuff out and we feel like we have stuff to share, but a lot of gross to do. Yes. Oh yeah. Like we are in, we are learning. We're in waist deep in the pool of garbage still. We're just ready to walk the other way out of it. We're just figuring out this dumpster fire, but we're in it and we like it. It's fun. You know, when, when the dumpster fire is not too hot. Well. Yeah, the one that was talking about burning everything to the ground with the red hair over there. It's just like, yep. Oh my God. Yeah. No, that feels, that feels correct. Yeah. And I feel like this is like a perfect segue into talking about endometriosis. Yeah, that because March is coming, March is endometriosis month. I don't think I have as much research done as I would like, but I'm sure it will come up again. Yeah. Um, because I would like to be able to provide people with like what's going to light up yellow because they do that every March now and like that was huge. I know, um, a lot of places in Alberta do it. A lot of places in Ontario, I think do it. Um, it's really nice to see yellow is the color for endometriosis awareness. And, um, over the last four or five years, you've seen people get more and more into it. And more and more aware. There's, I don't have enough information even on, on the, there's a new drug available that's non hormonal. I don't have enough, I think it's in trials though, and that's the first ever of its kind. I don't even know the name yet. I've only seen one video on it, so like, I feel a little unequipped to talk about it fully, but like, that's a big breakthrough and could even be our good news story for the day because we forgot to do that. Um, or just like, I just, I wanted to briefly touch on Indo. I feel like we'll have like another episode. With, um, like more endometriosis, but more detailed, more, I don't know, like, can we say more organized? Cause I don't even know if we can live up to that promise. Like, but you know, it'll be more detailed. We'll have more information, correct information. Cause right now we're winging it. Um, but I feel like. Endometriosis has been a huge part of our lives, and just speaking on personal experiences, I feel like that's something we don't really need to Yeah, look up cuz it's like the there's certain dates and stuff like that I would like to go over because I feel like there will be some and I feel like Oh, yeah, there'll be astrological significance in yours. I mean, it's it's blatantly obvious in mine I've looked into it a few times not so much as my first surgeries But my most recent because that's when I was in astrology and like into astrology and that was like I said eclipses it was so closely um it was also in the middle of the pandemic so that every time it hit isolation house my surgery date would get pushed back or I'd have it be even further away so I went through like two years of eclipses and it was right around the final series that I finally got my surgery I waited two years to get an excision surgery um oh we could talk about what is considered the best Uh, the, the top medical, oh my God, I can, my, the words have just completely, but the, what is considered the best treatments for endometriosis medically. And then we could probably talk about what we've done if you want to do that, cause I know a bit of it. Yeah. Um, yeah, I just feel like because it's changing right now, like for me, because I personally don't recommend surgeries to people with endometriosis right off the bat. You had ablations. Ablations are different. More. Okay. So let's cover this then. Okay. So ablation, when you go, okay, let's start from ground zero here. Those of you who do not know, endometriosis is a lining similar to the uterus, similar to the lining of the uterus that grows externally within the body, and it breaks down with your period, Every month. Uh, so you're essentially eternally bleeding and then it attaches organs and tissues and Causes a whole host of different things and so far it's been found on every single organ in the body. I think in Like every, through all the cases that have been discovered, they've found it pretty much, um, I think even brain, I think I don't take that as gospel. Don't take that as gospel, but I could have sworn everything except the, at one point it was everything except the pancreas. And now they've even found it there. Oh, my, the last time I looked into it, it was up to the, that is a, that can cause lungs collapsing. Like actual, I've seen, like, so this is, this is more than a period problem, guys. And this is why we were so passionate about it, because we were lucky. And we've suffered, like, and we were lucky, so, um. If, if you have painful periods, just know that that is not normal. And you should seek a doctor's help. And I just want to put a thing out there, we are not doctors. Yeah. We are not therapists. We are not. We have no medical background. This is just our personal experiences with this disease. And we have two different separate experiences and journeys. And we've taken. It completely different like she's gone one way. I've got a completely different way But we've both found healing in it. And that's what we want to shed light on Is that it isn't the because when I first had it, I literally thought it was the end of my life and it's not I'm here to tell you there is a light on the other side of that dark tunnel It may be dark right now, but there is, there is light, so keep going. And it's, and like some of our, our, the, the things that helped us too are controversial things that like, a lot of people will be like, That's bullshit. And like, if I didn't do it myself and if people didn't know me prior, they would think I was one of those people really like, you know what I mean? That was just like blown smoke, but like, okay, so we're going to go through. Now that I've kind of explained what it is a little bit, um, and Brooklyn has very kindly given us the doctor warning that I forgot, um, we're going to, I'm just going to give you a brief, uh, overview of the options available medically, uh, within our system currently right now that I'm aware of. So, In Canada, like, yeah, very important. So, and we're Western, Western Canada. Um, we have, um, ablation, which is essentially, they go in through, uh, laparoscopically and they burn off the endometriosis sites. This does not take out the root of the endometriosis and it easily grows back. It just might give you a little bit of a relief for a period of time. And it might not at all, cause I didn't always experience that after my surgeries. I have had two ablations, Um, I went for a third and had a traumatic experience with a doctor who very much just did not want to hear it because she was trying to, I think, preserve my fertility, um, which is another issue that we'll talk about, I'm sure, one day. But, um, and I, we're already at 34 minutes for this episode, so I think we're only going to be able to fit so much in this. Um, But nowadays they recommend an excision surgery. An excision, they still go in laparoscopically. But what they're doing is they're cutting the endometriosis out of your tissues where possible. Um, and depending on the organs that it can be excised from. And if you go to get this done, you want an excision surgeon. Because an excision surgeon can do the best job of cutting it out without hurting you, without damaging things. Um, they have a certain level of training, um, and there's very few of them. So it's, it's hard to get into. There are some that do not have the, I don't remember what the word is, if it's fellowship. There's something they have to do. Some people are still saying they do excision and they don't have that training. under a certain doctor. I don't know how to explain that. I have to, I'd have to look into that again. But, um, since my excision two years ago, I was in a lot of pain and I am doing better, but I would not say it is only the excision that got me here. Um, it has been lots of mental health. Um, medications, uh, for my mental health have helped me, I do believe, um, because they keep my cortisol levels kind of, and I've noticed stress really triggers mine, um, so, but I've had to go a lot more natural in order to find relief past surgery, um, much more holistic than you would expect. Um, and I would have ever expected because I would have punched somebody if they told me to go holistic about three years ago, I'm not even kidding. I would have punched them in the face. I would have been so mad, so mad. Yeah, she did. I tried. I'm not gonna lie. I tried and she's like, Brooklyn, I don't want to hear it. And then boundaries, right? Like, that was like you this week. Yeah. And that's the thing. Exactly. And like, that's what I mean. Like me and Keisha, we had two completely different go arounds with Indo. For me, I went on like hardcore birth control. Like I went on depo. And I, I went on some really, really harsh pills that just completely wrecked my inside like my And I have tried all those too, well not all of the same, like we've had different birth controls. Well, I was on You Yeah, I went on the pill, the pill I had a reaction to right away So I only Yeah, I just, I was nauseous. I was like throat, like that's when I, well, I threw up on my periods when I was on birth control. And then when I was getting off of birth control as well, because I was on depo for five or six years or something like that, the doctors wanted me completely off of birth control for a couple of years. And that was when for me, I felt. The greatest relief because I was just dealing with period pains and not the symptoms of the birth control as well. And then I didn't realize that it was the symptoms until after. And then I was like, Oh, and that's the thing. Like I don't include that part. Like you're going to still get other symptoms from this birth control, but this is the bandaid that we have. So this is the bandaid we're going to give you. Well, and that was the thing is I know other women that had such great success with, um, like I had the Mirena, I had the IUD that only lasted a year and then it was just like absolutely awesome. horrible side effects for me, so I had to get it out when I had a laparoscopy. My IUD was the only thing that worked for me the first time. Yes. The second one was not that experience, and nobody tells you that, that it's not gonna be the same. Well, And that's the thing is I know women that have been on the IUD for 10 15 years and that have had nothing but relief and that's what I was hoping for and that's the thing is being an advocate for yourself and knowing when things aren't working for you just because they work for someone else doesn't necessarily mean that they'll work for you and you have to go On your own unique healing journey, and it's, I hate saying that, but it's, it's the truth. Everybody is different, and everybody is different, right? Like, and, and the fact that I don't have the right stats, and that bothers me right now, because again, this is like, these are conversations I wanted to be organized for, but, um, hey. The tarot happened. We're gonna do another one. So the tarot came up. We're, we're gonna, yeah, we're gonna be talking about endo a lot because it's something that has that, well yeah, and it's like, it's the awareness month, so we want to bring awareness to endometriosis and to women in general. everywhere but we also want to share our experiences because we feel like everyone has the same experiences and we've we've come out on the other end and we want to share that with people and I think that's very important and that's a story for another time because we're running out of time today but I do want to say one thing though the um, oh my god did I just forget what I wanted to say that I was holding on to so freaking tightly I think I did It was about birth control. No, doctors. That's what it was. Okay. So it's so important to note that women have not been included in most scientific studies and medical studies until was it mid 90s or mid 2000s? I think it was 1997 or something like that. And they've only started testing period products with period blood in the last year. Not period with blood in the last year. So I think that like, That is so important to know because we're going to all these doctors that are pushing different things on us and we're accepting them as a band aid and then we come to find out down the road that this is doing different kind of damage to us. And none of these studies are done and only now is this disease getting attention and hopefully finding better solutions. So that's where when you start to realize all these things, then you start to be like, my only choice is something a little more holistic at this point. Well, and like for you, I felt like your first surgery, they removed so much. It was like, I felt like yours was necessary, but for me and my surgeries, I felt like my surgeries were not necessary at all. Well, the first for diagnosis, because that is the only way they can truly diagnose it, right? But I feel because of the, I live in BC and we have, um, a woman's hospital in BC. And when you are diagnosed with endometriosis and have had so many surgeries, you get to be, um, a part of this. It's a woman's health thing. And in that, they have things to help combat endometriosis when surgery isn't working for you. And for me, I feel like this should be the first step, not the last. Because that gave me the most relief. It was counseling. It was pelvic floor specialist. It was, um, diet, going to a dietician. And, or, um, and then. I went and seen a natural path as well and all of those things helped me within a year of going from skipping work like one to five days of work every single month To going to work with the pain. Like I, I can manage through the pain now. Like it's nothing to what it used to be. I only just started eating. That's fine. Yes, and you're, I'm starting to. And I'm not even fully into it yet. Yeah, I feel like, Like, I just started because I am on an IUD, so there's only so much eating for my, Body can do right now. Um, I do hope to get that removed because it is not serving me. It is not doing positive things for me anymore. So the, it just does, it doesn't make sense for me. So, um, yeah, I started cycle sinking and eating. So like, I, honestly, I was one of those people that was like, okay, like doctors know what they're doing. It's all bullshit, every, like all the holistic stuff. But I think there's a fine line in between that somewhere where these things need to come together. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like both have their validity, but we, we need to be given whole options, you know, if that makes sense? Well, I feel like, I feel like we have gone away, because I'm Indigenous, I feel like we have forgotten that our bodies can heal itself, for one, and that if we Eat healthy, do exercise because our bodies were meant to move. Our bodies were meant to do things. And when we're sitting, Josh always says, Yeah. It is. People think about like physio and stuff. Like our, literally, like our body is meant to move. Our body is meant to do things. If we sit there and not do anything, we're not doing any good for our body. And like, that was like my biggest thing is like. Doing my, I always say my tummy exercises, but it's literally like just constantly working on my pelvic floor exercises. Those are huge for me. Well, I've only now realized recently how tight my pelvis is from all the pain. And all the years of like, Well, surgery, trauma to the hips, whatever it might be, like, I'm only now being able, because I've had surgery and now I know, like, my result of my third surgery was much better than my first two. Can't explain it besides mental health, I don't know, but like, they were better. The pain didn't feel any better and it doesn't correspond to the amount of endometriosis you have. That's also a very important point that we forgot, like, your pain level does not correspond. You could have less or more than anybody else. Um, there's no, like, right or wrong here. You could have very little endo and have worse pain experience than another person who doesn't even know they have endo. And. Might have just really bad periods. You know what I mean? Like, so for me, like only now Am I realizing how tight my pelvis muscles muscles have gotten and how that's contributing to my pain When I'm on my period and when I'm doing these exercises or like different things to try and help myself holistically My PMS symptoms are different which in itself is better. My cramps are a little bit more manageable. They still suck But, like, again, I'm only, like, one foot in, one foot out right now. Like, this is something I'm trying to change about my life to see how much better it can get. Um, but Brooklyn's, like, experienced that fully. She's been in, you've been in it fully before. Like the food and the and then this is a new experience. This part of it is a new experience for me. So yeah, and it's like I Affirmations like it's not just the food. It's not just the working out. It's also the mind like for me. I Like, yeah, and like, The Power of Now, the book, The Power of Now, has helped me overcome those things so much, because I used to negative talk myself so much, like, Oh, I'm in so much pain, oh, I have endometriosis. It will make it worse. And that's what I mean about Like, it's not that the pain's not already bad, but it will make it worse. Words are medicine, words are magic, like they are so, and how you talk to yourself matters. So for me it was just flipping the script and talking to myself that I am healed. So like some of my favorite affirmations, I am pain free, I am healthy, I am healed. Those three, when I have period pain, I am constantly saying those over Again and again and again like a broken record and they've helped me get out of some really like I am like keeled over on the floor throwing up in pain and I just say those until I start feeling better and come out of it and I'm able to pick myself Um, but similarly, like, um, my journey with that started with something that I don't really think I would recommend to other people because there's so much better information there, which is, uh, the secret. It started with that for me, because I was watching it and it talks about manifestation and most people know what the secret is. Like, it talks about, like, how you create your own reality and things. Which, for somebody with chronic pain, and a chronic disease, is a very hard pill to swallow, and I don't believe Now that I've, I've really gotten into astrology, I have a different view on this. But, our words are still creator reality, so I tried to do that just for like, a few weeks, just to see if it made a difference. Because I was at a point where I couldn't bend. I couldn't get off the couch. Like, it was getting really bad. So I got to a point where I stopped telling myself I couldn't bend, stopped telling myself I couldn't do these things, stopped. For me, that's how I started. I started to take certain things out of my vocabulary and try not to focus on them. And within two weeks, I was packing a bag to go visit my family in Newfoundland, which I would have never tried to do. Drag out a 50 pound suitcase across the country. Uh, I went on like, I got to go on the boat, and my, my uncle took me like, walking, I was so sore the next day because we were walking around all these rocks, I was like falling over, like, I couldn't have done that two weeks before that. And that was when, or it might have been a month, we'll say a month, just to be like safe, but like, it, it really feeds into it. And again, if somebody had told me that before that moment, I would have punched them in the face. So like, I, I understand it's very abrasive and you just, if anybody who has Endo is listening wants to probably punch us right now, but like, we're here to tell you that it's worth a shot. What do you have to lose? It is. And like, counseling, I, counseling really helped me Change my, my view on what I can control and what I can't control. And what I used to, what I used to blame things on and what things I used to not take accountability for. So eating dairy, eating gluten, and then having painful periods and like. Just constantly blaming other things instead of taking action for things that I can have control in. I can control the things that I eat, I can control, yes, and it's, I'm not gonna lie, it was a very expensive road because it did, it did, it cost, I literally had to, so that's when I was partying, like drinking and going out and clubbing and yadda, like I was in my 20s and I, Literally stopped. I remember when you were drinking and I was like, do I need to check on you? Like I quit drinking I literally quit drinking for I think it was like nine months straight And it just because I was going on a health journey. Like I just wanted to change my diet change my food everything and alcohol coffee processed foods, um There was some other things that I had to cut out, but it was like, I went very strict. I would like to say I have not been that strict and have seen some positive changes. So like, why not ease into it and just see what happens, right? Like, again, not doctors. Um, God, I hate to cut it off because we're having such a good conversation, but I do have to run. So we're going to have to queue up this episode. Any last words, Brooke? Anything you want to add? No, I love you guys, and we, this isn't, this is just the beginning. We're gonna dive in deep and Oh, we're gonna dive in deep at the end, though. So yeah, we're gonna have to do a full episode on this. I, I kind of forgot how detailed and, The nuances and the difference in our experiences. So we'll have to do a full episode on it. Like really, but, um, yeah. And I, we've got a few episodes we're very excited about, so we hope you guys will stick around for our next one. Um, and with that, we hope to see you next time. We're having a great time and we hope you are too. And bye. Ah.